Jag har över 25 års erfarenhet av lokalhistorisk- och släktforskning i Sverige, och hjälper dig gärna med att försöka hitta din historia.
Hör av dig via e-post så kan vi diskutera ett upplägg. Välkommen med din förfrågan!
Vid ett par tillfällen har jag haft nöjet att få bidra med bakgrundsmaterial till TV-programmet "Det sitter i väggarna". Nedan några rader från producenten för programmet i samband med arbetet med det första gången 2019:
Ulrika Jonsson, producent ”Det sitter i väggarna” SVT, Stockholm:
Vi på ”Det sitter i väggarna” hade stor nytta av det kunnande som Marie Andersson har inom släktforskning. Hon hjälpte oss med researchen till programmet om den gamla mjölnarbostaden i Tillinge Nykvarn på mycket tillfredställande sätt. Marie är trevlig och inspirerande att arbeta med. Hon bidrog professionellt i den research vi efterfrågade."
I have more than 25 years of experience in local history research and genealogy in Sweden. I would be delighted for the opportunity to assist you in finding your Swedish roots, if possible.
To discuss further, please contact me by e-mail. I'm looking forward to your request!
Some kind words from an American I had the honor of assisting during 2017-2018:
Dr. Hakan Sundell MD, Nashville, Tennessee:
"When I emigrated [from Sweden] to the U.S. in 1970, I knew that my maternal grandfather had moved from Tillinge parish to Hubbo outside Västerås in 1897. I spent much time at Hubbo during my childhood, but there was no contact with my grandfather’s side of the family and the relatives left at Tillinge. Although I had inherited a detailed genealogical report about my grandfather’s ancestors, most of whom had lived at Tillinge, I had not studied it until the spring of 2017, when I was preparing for a visit to Sweden with my son and his family. I contacted the terrific “Tillinge Hembygds-förening” and received much valuable assistance from Marie Andersson, one of its committee members. She steered me to Hembygds föreningen’s picture gallery, where I found several great pictures of my ancestors and their farms. Marie helped me locate not only the farms and villages, where our ancestors had lived, but provided me with very interesting and sometimes detailed new information about both. Marie even guided us to our ancestral villages during our visit at Tillinge.
Marie who grew up in the parish, and still lives there, is very knowledgeable about the history and people in Tillinge. She was always friendly, cheerful, helpful and impressively responsive. Through Marie, the old ancestors and their farms “came alive again” in a vivid way and I am very grateful for that. I now think of her as one of my dear Swedish friends."
© Marie Andersson 1999-2025